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Points Format

Notes - 

1. Points awarded to by bowlers finishing position.

2. CB Masters is worth 500 points more across the board. This is the lone Major.

3. In the event of a tie for a position outside of the bracket finals, the tie will be broken by the bowlers highest single game of Cashers Round.

4. In the bracket for positions that are paid equally, points will be awarded by bowlers highest single game in the round they were eliminated in. (17-24 position will be broken by those bowlers highest single game in the first round of the bracket. 16th - 9th position will be broken by those bowlers highest single game in round 2 of the bracket.)

5. Yellow indicates rookie status for ROY. (Bowlers are eligible rookies if they bowled fewer than 3 events last year)

Bonus Points -

1. The bowler with the highest qualifying score will be awarded 50 bonus points.

2. 100 bonus points will be awarded for anyone who shoots 300. This can be hit by multiple bowlers during qualifying, but can be hit only once per bowler.

3. Bowlers who participate in the shootout doubles will receive 25 bonus points. Those who cash will receive 50 bonus points, and the winners will receive 100 bonus points. 

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